Sunday, July 13, 2008

I received the pastel society exhibition notice the other day in the mail and thought.......what on earth do I have that is good enough, so I've been painting all week hoping for the masterpiece that will enable me to enter.
These pieces I've done from the clever photography of my dad when my sister was little many moons ago. They are beautiful photos, so I hoped to do them justice.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely LOVE these two - and have to say that the girl is SIMPLY GORGEOUS!!!!!

Seriously though, beautiful work Wen - maybe you could call them simply "Julie Ann" - or - "Mother in the Making".

magicmyst said...

Hi Wendi, I love these two girls. You are very talented. You have so much detail, right down to the brick path. Wonderful. You are very clever.

Wendi. S. said...

Thankyou magicmyst. I feel humbled by your comments.

magicmyst said...

Hi Wendi, just me again. A couple of things to tell you. Teone's favourite out of your two little girl pictures is the bottom one. I want to know how you get a blog list down the side of your blog. I have joined the australian forum. Thanks for the link.